Before we are about to head into the next weekend we don’t want to leave you hanging and tell you all about our last weekend:

As the current swell was subsiding we were forced to go to the only place with some waves on Friday – Punta Blanca. That meant that our arms and shoulders did not get a chance to rest as Punta is (we might have mentioned this) a very paddle heavy spot. So we were more than happy to have a break from surfing over the weekend. 

On Saturday, despite the heat, we decided to visit the cuevas ajuy, which are located in the south-west of the Island, about an hour drive from our house in Lajares. The caves are a bit overrun with tourists, which is why it’s a good idea to come early and possibly on a weekday. We arrived there at around 10:30 am and had no trouble to find free parking. The little walk to the caves leads across one of the only black beaches here on Fuerteventura. It is not far, maybe a 30 minute walk to the caves and than also 30 minutes back. Unfortunately many tourists have used the caves as a toilet (even though there’s a toilet right at the beach), which means it’s pretty smelly the deeper you go into the cave. But it is still impressive, so I can recommend going there despite all the other people.

After visiting the cuevas we wanted to go on a proper hike. It was only a 9 minute drive to a little Oasis in the middle of the dessert. The hike is very impressive and leads over many rocks to a little Chapel and after that to a dam which was built in the 1930’s. The whole hike is only 2,5 km long if you park in the little village Buen Paso. But don’t underestimate the sun and that you constantly have to climb. So it’s absolutely necessary to bring a lot of water and to wear good shoes.

For Sunday we had booked a snorkeling tour to the little island Lobos, which is only a 10 minute boat ride away from Corralejo. Our tour guide (Get Wet) was absolutely amazing. He brought some bread for the fish, so that we could see them up close, dove down to show us different sea creatures like a starfish, sea urchin, arrow head spider crab and a sea cucumber. We all had such a great time and we were glad that we got these amazing full face goggles from Decathlon before we left for our vacation. Only our ride back was a bit of a challenge, because the wind picked up and the waves were a bit higher, which meant that it was super bumpy and we jumped off of our seats every time we hit another wave… But all in all we had an amazing Sunday.

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