On Saturday we had our first surf lesson with the Surf Institute. Right away we noticed the difference to our surf school experience in Berria this summer. The whole process is different. There are only small groups (no “mass processing”), they check the day before which spot works best with the current conditions (swell, tide, etc) and then decide on the best time. When it’s time to surf the whole group then checks the spot and decides if it works for everyone or if another one would be better. We also receive individual feedback, what areas we can work on and improve. We really feel well looked after and we can’t wait for our next sessions this week.

As we did not bring any camera we have – unfortunately – no photos from our first time in the water. We’ll try to remedy that as soon as possible. But we do have a photo of a very important part of surfing – wetsuit drying! As it is neither comfortable nor easy to slip into a a damp wetsuit we have to dry them as good as possible between the sessions. They only thing our apartment has are some bamboo racks for that exact purpose. Together with our wetsuit hangers, a broom stick and some rope we managed to make enough room for all four wetsuits. The constant wind also helps 🙂 After our surfing the kids needed to cool down (probably because of their very warm wetsuits) so they tried out our pool (only very briefly though, the water in there is still somewhat cold).

Sunday is also a day of (surf) rest here so we used the off-time and visited a saline in the South East of Fuerteventura. On the way back we stopped by a cheese museum (Fuerteventura has a long history of producing goat cheese). At night the restaurants finally opened again so we went to the Italian place around the corner. I had the most delicious Ravioli there, filled with cream cheese and salmon.

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