We had an incredible time here on Fuerteventura. Thanks to the Surf Institute! Their planning is top noch! There wasn’t even one question they didn’t answer (and believe me we had many, before and during our trip…), the groups during the surf lessons are small, they decide day by day which spot under the current conditions is best for the group, they give you good feed back during the lessons, their warm up program was amazing and the way they dealt with our little ones was perfect! Nate and Noam had so much fun and loved their instructor Tommy, who made sure they felt safe and had fun in the waves… Yesterday we also met for a surfskate session in the middle of the town and hung out together. It’s good to have a consistent group of people that you meet almost daily. That way you can connect and have much more fun. One added bonus was: I’ve had an issue with my wrists for a while now and even with something like that I had someone sitting down with me and doing some exercises that can help. Now I can finally do something about it and continue my surf strength training. Because without training (that’s something we realized this time once more) at home for a surf vacation you will not see much progress.

Here are some impressions from our last days on, in and around the water:

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