On Tuesday we started our almost 4-week long vacation on Fuerteventura. We can already say that this vacation really is a huge gift from heaven. This January I had a feeling that we should book a vacation home and also flights, not knowing that shortly afterwards the war in the Ukraine would start which made flights and also holiday apartments much more expensive. We also didn‘t know if the surf school that we got to know and love around Christmas would even be open in our time frame or on a well deserved summer break. But someone else knew and all we had to do was to trust Him.

So we started to look for flights (even though our summer vacation was still 6 months out) and we did indeed find comparatively cheap tickets, considering August is the main tourist season. The holiday apartment (or better mansion) was also a steal considering the size and the amenities. We still can hardly grasp it ourselves, it still feels like a dream sometimes. But this showed us yet again that we have someone who knows us & our needs and who supplies everything at the right time.

Our flight was uneventful (which, considering the state of the airline industry, is actually quite remarkable), there was no chaos at the airport and also all of our luggage made it. Just in case we had put some Air Tags into our suitcases but luckily we did not need them.

As we already said – the house we rented for our vacation is a dream. It is huge: Three bedrooms, three bathrooms a big living & eating area and also, as a cherry on top, a small pool. We are excited to welcome Mike‘s sister tomorrow who will join us here for a couple of days. 

On Wednesday we started right away with our surf lessons. It was so good to see our instructors again who have almost become friends 🙂 Being here again feels like „returning home“ even though this is just our second time here. We are also really glad that we invested time in Germany in our fitness – both some at home workouts as well as multiple times in the pool have really helped us make the most of our time in the water. Because once your arms quit you won’t catch many waves 😉 The kids were also happy to see Tommy again and to continue where they left off in winter.

After a day of surfing we spend some time with the rest of our surf group bbq’ing at the Pine Tree Villa (a surf house from our school, Surf Institute).

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