On Tuesday it was time to pay the Black Forest another visit. As we left rather late, just after lunch, we only had time for a short hike. Our goal were the All Saints waterfalls – it was only later that we realized that it also was All Saints day here in Germany on Tuesday, what a coincidence!

Our route was only 2.4 miles and led us to a view point after a short but steep ascent. We also saw the remnants of the All Saints Monastery (spoiler alert: there isn’t that much left). But the kids had a good time there with ruins to climb on and puddles to jump in.

The last part of the hike, back towards the car, was easily the best part. The constant sound of the creek accompanied us as we passed waterfall after waterfall, one more beautiful than the next. We have seen quite a few waterfalls on our hikes in the last years and these ones truly are among the best. All in all we had a really nice afternoon and we can really recommend this short loop trail. It’s probably even nicer if you go on a weekday and not on a Sunday or (like us) on a public holiday as this spot is understandably quite famous. On our way home we also had a stunning sunset…

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