For our latest hike we chose Blaubeuren as a starting point. In the days leading up to it we really weren’t sure if the weather was going to hold up, but in the end we had a back and forth between sun and clouds – perfect for this hike

In total we covered 6.52 miles and 1246 ft in altitude. So definitely no tour for our two little ones – but that’s why we didn’t bring them this time 🙂 We also passed quite a few spots with a high risk of falling. That would not have been so relaxing with our kids around

So what did we get to see on this hike? Right after the start we stopped by the “Glasses Cave” (sadly locked), then the “Kissing pigs” (more like kissing bears ;)) and then the ruin of the castel GĂĽnzelburg. Then we hiked back down to Blaubeuren again and payed the famous Blautopf a visit (very crowded but still beautiful) a short visit. But we didn’t stay there long and started our second ascent on the other side of Blaubeuren. There we passed a lot of overlooks (not suitable for those with vertigo ;)) and another castle ruin, the Rusenschloss. Sadly this one is closed right now due to renovations. Back down we crossed the river Blau and made our way back to the main station.

All in all a really beautiful hike with lots to discover – but probably more suited for older kids (or without kids :)).

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