On Saturday we first set out to buy a luggage scale cause we conveniently left ours at home. Later we went to the LEGO Shop. It is a shop filled with every imaginable LEGO stuff. On the first floor there’s even an area with little tables for kids to play with LEGO while the parents pay for the purchases.

As soon as we were done we met up with Katie and Reza at the Leicester Square. They recommended a very good food place where we went to have lunch. It was soooo good: Bone marrow, great steaks and superb desserts. Just go to Hawksmoor next time you visit London. The next thing on our To-do list was the platform 9 3/4. The line was so long just to take a picture with the famous luggage cart, the wand and the Harry Potter scarf. We wanted to just take a picture of the luggage cart, so we decided not to stand in line.

Next to it is the Harry Potter Fan shop. There were so may tourists in there, Mike decided to just stay outside with the stroller so that I could have a quick peek inside. It’s really impressive. On the walls they had lots of wands you could by also different Harry Potter school uniforms, Owl cages… Almost like in the Diagon Alley. 😊 We really wanted to do the Warner Bros. Tour but the tour itself alone takes 3 1/2 hours, which is way to long with two little ones. We just have to come back one day, as soon as they are older. We decided to take the underground back to the pier and the water taxi to the London eye (which is where our hotel was).

We let the kids go on a playground which was right next to the hotel and in the evening we took the bus to go to another Brew dog pub.

The next morning, the day we wanted to fly back, didn’t start out so good. Noam woke up sick in the morning and has been throwing up since. Nate’s digestive system isn’t the best either and as soon as we switched on our phones we found out that Katie has been sick the whole night. Somehow all three of them must have caught something the day before. We tried getting something for Noam at the pharmacy. But it’s horrible here. You can’t get anything without a prescription and we really didn’t want to go to a hospital with him (which wasn’t nearby at all). I carried everything with me except something for nausea of course. So we booked a late check out at the hotel so that Noam could sleep a little bit longer. We hope the flight isn’t too bad and that the three will feel better soon.

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